Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Saw...it already

I was at the movies recently, because that's where I tend to spend a lot of my time, and I saw a preview that upset me. It upset me so much, in fact, that I groaned, too audibly it would seem, causing the people in my immediate vicinity to whip their heads around and gaze in my direction for a few excruciating seconds before returning their attention to the rest of the trailers. This preview, as you might have guessed (although I doubt you guessed because I haven't revealed any real hints as to what this movie was) was for Saw V. For those of you who might be sadly unlearned in the understanding of Roman Numerals, this is the FIFTH installment of the Saw series. FIVE. Cinco. Funf. Cinq. Cinque. Half of ten. Hold up your hand (or one of your feet) and count the digits...that's how many Saw movies are in existence at this moment. I was hoping, desperately, that Hollywood's little obsession with torture porn flicks had come to an end with the absolute and well deserved FAILURE of the most recent Midnight Meat Train (I think it was in theaters for approximately 12.7 seconds), but no such luck. I'm afraid we are doomed to see Saw (see-saw....heehee) trailers for the rest of time. Who knows? These movies might even surpass Star Wars for the "ENOUGH ALREADY!!" award. Take THAT George Lucas.

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